Centre Maurice Halbwachs

Allying beyond Social Divides : Coalitions and Contentious Politics in the Middle East and North Africa

Sommaire :
1. Yasmine BERRIANE, Marie DUBOC, « Allying beyond social divides : An introduction to contentious politics and coalitions in the Middle East and North Africa ».
2. Naoual BELAKHDAR, « When unemployment meets environment. The case of the anti-fracking coalition in Ouargla ».
3. Jannis J. GRIM, « Egypt is not for sale ! Harnessing nationalism for alliance building in Egypt’s Tiran and Sanafir island protests ».
4. Zep KALB, « Corporatist coalitions as agents of civil society : The politics of student and labour unions in Iran ».
5. Chaymaa HASSABO, « Coalitions for change in Egypt : Bridging ideological and generational divides in the revolution ».
6. Claudie FIORONI, « Bridging the gap : Social divides and coalition building in the phosphate mining industry in Jordan ».
7. Vincent DURAC, « Opposition coalitions in the Middle East : Origins, demise, and afterlife ? »