Centre Maurice Halbwachs

Group:Chercheurs et Enseignants chercheurs, Chercheurs Permanents

Marie Plessz

Senior Researcher
Discipline: Sociology

Personal informations


ENS - Campus Jourdan Bâtiment Oïkos - bureau R3-37
48 boulevard Jourdan
75014 Paris


+33 (0)1 80 52 14 37




Research interests I study how everyday practices connect to the social stratification process, with a focus on food consumption and eating practices. I am espcially interested in practice change over individual life courses and over time. I examine how these changes differ across social positions and gender. I mostly work with quantitative survey data. I have used epidemiologic cohorts such as Gazel and Constances, and national surveys such as Household budget surveys or Time-use surveys. I enjoy working with people who use qualitative materials. Work in progress
  • PREFALIM : Interdisciplinary project (economics, geosciences, sociology) led byFabrice Étilé (PSE). PREFALIM studies how changes in food preferences and practices may reduce agriculture GES emissions and increase soil carbon stocks (funding : PEPR FAIRCARBON). Summry
  • Ultraprocessed foods in the purchases of French households: this is part of the researchproject INNOV (funding: INRAE)
Current responsibilities
  • Deputy chief of Department Ecosocio at INRAE
  • Member of the advisory editorial board of Consumption and society
Main past activities
  • Co-head of the Masters track Quantifier en sciences sociales (mention Sciences sociales, ENS-PSL et EHESS)
  • Adjunct professor at ENS-PSL, Social science department
  • Member of the Comission scientifique spécialisée SESG (assessment and advice to INRAE researchers in social sciences)
  • Member of the editorial board of Revue française de sociologie
My page on Gitlab INRAE. My detailed resume (in French).

Habilitation à diriger des recherches

Directed thematic works or issues

La dynamique sociale des pratiques

Stratification sociale, changement social et consommation alimentaire

All publications


HAL publications (sorted by date)