Centre Maurice Halbwachs

Group:Young doctors

Lucie Wicky

PhD Student
Discipline: Sociology
French Institute for Demographic Studies (Ined) and EUR GSST

Personal informations


Title: Sexual Violence Against Men in France. Pathways of Violence and Age Relation
Supervisors: Florence Maillochon and Magali Mazuy
Abstract: This research focuses on the sexual violence suffered by men, as gender-based violence. It adopts a life course approach and a particular attention to age and gender relations, as well as to sexuality and class. The analyses are based on two quantitative surveys, Virage (2015) and CSF (2006), and fifty biographical interviews. In total, 3.1% of men report having experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, almost exclusively before the age of 25 and perpetrated by other men, always older than themselves. The life course approach highlights the importance of mechanisms of domination within the family institution, particularly in trivialising and silencing violence, both during and after violence. This violence is a factor of vulnerability in men’s life course and affects their relations to norms: they position themselves in a less unequal way than men as a whole, within a “space of masculinities” opposing egalitarian and conservative hegemonic masculinities. Using the “pathway” of violence (exposure, silencing, qualification and enunciation), I identify six typical trajectories of exposure, and two groups stand out: men who have experienced violence at a (very) young age and/or cumulatively, particularly within the family or close social circle; and those who experienced it in adolescence or during youth, in the context of schooling, male sociability and entry into sexuality. The former have had their lives permanently marked by pathways of violence, while the latter less. Non-heterosexual men are more exposed, more silent and less supported.

  • Gender-Based Violence, Sexual Violence, Child Abuse
  • Gender, Age, Masculinities and Sexualities
  • Life Course
  • Methodology, Ethic
PUBLICATIONS Direction of thematic issue (1) Boué Margaux, Mullner Pauline, Thizy Laurine, Wicky Lucie, Chaput Justine, 2024, thematic issue “Practising Research Ethics on Sensitive Topics”, Sociologos, n°20. Articles in peer-reviewed journals (5) Mulvihill Natasha, Wicky Lucie, 2024, “Victim of Abuse, Violence or Harm? Naming Gender-Based Violence in French and English” [in English], dePICTions, vol. 4, “Victimhood”. URL: https://parisinstitute.org/victim-of-abuse-violence-or-harm/ Boué Margaux, Mullner Pauline, Thizy Laurine, Wicky Lucie, 2024, “For a committed ethic”, introduction to the thematic issue “Practising Research Ethics on Sensitive Topics”, Sociologos, n°20. Boué Margaux, Mazuy Magali, Mullner Pauline, Wicky Lucie, 2024, “Emotional labour in research on gender-based violence. Crossed perspectives on an unthought-of issue in academic institutions”, Sociologos, n°20. Wicky Lucie, 2023, “Age Relation and Vulnerability to Violence. The case of Men who Suffered Sexual Violence in Childhood”, Populations Vulnérables, n°9. Debauche Alice, Wicky Lucie, 2023, “Sexual violence experienced by boys in childhood. What can statistical surveys contribute?”, in Association Docteurs Bru, Incest. Boys too!, Monts, Le Bord de l’eau éditions, p. 15-37. Wicky Lucie, 2023, review “Emmanuel Beaubatie, Gender Transfuge. Crossing gender boundaries (Éditions La Découverte, 2021)”, Sociologie, Reviews, available online: https://www.revue-sociologie.org/recension-emmanuel-beaubatie-transfuges-de-sexe-passer-frontieres-genre-decouverte-2021/ Lévi-Guillain Rébecca, Sponton Alix, Wicky Lucie, 2022, “Telephone and video-call collection of personal narratives on intimate subjects. Methodological issues in remote interviewing to collect life histories” [translate in English], Revue Française de Sociologie, vol. 64, n°2, p. 115-135. Translation: Caroline Leonard. URL: https://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-sociologie-2022-2-page-311.htm. Book chapter (1) Boué Margaux, Justine Chaput, Juliette Congy, Pauline Mullner, Lucie Wicky, 2023, “An ethical approach throughout qualitative health research”, in Joëlle Kivits, Frédéric Balard, Cécile Fournier, Myriam Winance (eds.), Qualitative Research in Health, Paris, Armand Colin, 2nd edition.

CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS Wicky Lucie (forthcoming), Power Relations on Sexual Violence when Men are assaulted during Childhood and Youth [in English], Section “Children and Youth”, Session:Intersectional Approaches to Power, Contextes, Institutions and Transitions in Childhood and Youth”, Congress of American Sociological Association (ASA), Montréal, Canada, from the 9th to 13th August 2024. Wicky Lucie (forthcoming), Sexual violence suffered by men: trajectories of exposure, silencing, qualification and enunciation, Section “Social Times”, Session: “The temporal and social aspects of the production of scientific knowledge”, International Congress of French Language Sociologists (AISLF), Ottawa, Canada, from the 8th to 12th July 2024. Wicky Lucie, Gender and Age Domination. Adolescents Face to Sexual Violence in France [in English], Poster during the Conference "Adolescent Domestic Abuse: Developments in Research, Policy and Practice", City, University of London, London (UK), the 18th April 2024. Wicky Lucie, The multi-dimensions of age relations. The limits of homogenising the category of ‘child’ victim of sexual violence, Conference “Age, a social relation?”, Tours, France, from 14th to 15th March 2024. Wicky Lucie, Age Relation and practices of silencing of boys who were sexually abused as children, Congress of the French Sociological Association (AFS), RT Youth, Lyon, France, from the 4th to the 7th July 2023. Mullner Pauline, Wicky Lucie, The dialectic of methods. A fully integrated conception of methods for investigating gender-based violence, Congress of the French Sociological Association (AFS), RT Methods, Lyon, France, from the 4th to the 7th July 2023. Wicky Lucie, Sexual Violence Against Men and Power Relations. Understanding Contexts of Exposure [in English], Poster Sessions ‘Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health’ and ‘Gender and Sexuality’, Population Association of America (PAA), New Orleans (USA), from the 12th to the 15th April 2023. Wicky Lucie, Trajectories of violence and trajectories of enunciation by men who have been sexually abused, Phd Students Days, Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Paris, France, the 6th March 2023. Debauche Alice, Wicky Lucie, 2022 Sexual Violence Experienced by Boys in Childhood: what Contributions of Statistical Surveys?, Conference “Incest: boys too”, organised by Docteurs Bru Association, Paris, the 2nd June 2022. Wicky Lucie, 2022, Dominations and Strategies of Resistance by Boys who Experiences Sexual Violence, seminar “Childhood dominations, socialisations and emancipations”, CRESPPA, GTM, Paris, the 11th March 2022. Chaput Justine, Congy Juliette, Mullner Pauline, Wicky Lucie, 2022, Lessons and trails after the International Conference “Research Ethics on Sensitive Topics: Epistemological and Practical Issues”, Condorcet Campus, Aubervilliers, France, the 6th January 2022. Bellamine Rim, Boué Margaux, Chaput Justine, Congy Juliette, Mullner Pauline, Thizy Laurine, Wicky Lucie, 2021, Introduction, International Conference “Research Ethics on Sensitive Topics: Epistemological and Practical Issues”, Condorcet Campus, Aubervilliers, France, the 2nd and 3rd December 2021.
Wicky Lucie, 2021, Reflexion and Reflexivity around Physical and Emotional Exposure of the Researcher Investigating men who haveEexperienced Sexual Violence, “Dealing with violence as researchers”, Scientific Conference of the Maurice Halbwachs Centre, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France, from the 19th to 22th October 2021.

Wicky Lucie, 2021, Telling Childhood Sexual Violence: effects of Age and Gender norms on Enunciation and Reception in the Family, International Conference “Incestuous Violence, Today and Yesterday: Between Concealment and Disclosure” organised by the ANR project team “Telling, Hearing and Reporting Incestuous Violence” (DERVI - Dire, entendre, restituer les violences incestueuses), EHESS, Paris, France, from the 8th to 10th October 2021.

Levy-Guillain Rébecca, Sponton Alix, Wicky Lucie, 2021, Privacy on the Line. Challenges and Perspectives of Remote Interviews in Sociology, Congress of French Association of Sociology (AFS), Lille, France, from the 6th to 9th July 2021 (online).

Coussieu-Reyes Javiera, Kastel Stéphanie, Rigot Virginie, Rodrigues-Leite Julie, Wicky Lucie, 2021, Putting in Place a Support Group for Research Practice on Sensitive Topics, Seminar “Facing Sexual Violence. Resistance of Interviewers, Tools of Researchers”, Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers, France, the 11th and 12th March 2021 (online).

Coussieu-Reyes Javiera, Rigot Virginie, Wicky Lucie, 2021, Introduction, Seminar “Facing Sexual Violence. Resistance of Interviewers, Tools of Researchers”, Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers, France, the 11th and 12th March 2021 (online).

Wicky Lucie, 2019, Age and Gender of Sexual Violence during Childhood, Seminar “Childhood as a Social Category”, organised by Tal Piterbraut-Merx and Andræ Thomazo, CNRS, Paris, France, the 27th November 2019.

Wicky Lucie, 2019, Dealing with the Victim Condition. Age, Class and Masculinity about Men who Denounce Sexual Violence, Seminar “Unravelling Relationships of Domination” organised by members of Master Degree “Gender, Politic and Sexuality”, EHESS, Paris, France, the 25th June 2019.

Lebugle Amandine, Mazuy Magali, Wicky Lucie, 2018, Conducting a Quantitative Study on Victims who Seek Help toward Associative Service Provision: the survey Virage Victims, Conference “From Violence Against Women to Gender-Based Violence” organised by the Virage team (Ined), 8th International Congress of Feminist Research in the French Speaking Countries (CIRFF), Nanterre, France, the 31st August 2018.
2023-2024 2022-2023 - Intervention in Medical School (3 hours): “Sexual Violence and Harassment. Definitions, Measure, Context and Consequences”, Second year of Medicine “Educating on Sexual Health”, University of Strasbourg, France, coordinated by Léa Saroch (Unistra, SAGE). 2021-2022
- Lecturer, “Qualitative Methods (Distance Learning)”, Undergraduate Level, Third Year, Sociology, University of Strasbourg, France, with Anaïk Pian (Unistra, DynamE).
- Intervention in Medical School (3 hours): “Sexual Violence and Harassment. Definitions, Measure, Context and Consequences”, Second year of Medicine “Educating on Sexual Health”, University of Strasbourg, France, coordinated by Léa Saroch (Unistra, SAGE).

-Lecturer, “Violence, Sexuality & Health”, Master Level, Sociology, University of Strasbourg, France, with Cristina Oddone (Unistra, DynamE).
-Lecturer, “Inferential Statistics”, Undergraduate Level, Second Year, Sociology, University of Strasbourg, France, coordinate by Maude Crouzet (Unistra, SAGE).
-Lecturer, “Qualitative Methods (Distance Learning)”, Undergraduate Level, Third Year, Sociology, University of Strasbourg, France, with Anaïk Pian (Unistra, DynamE).
-Intervention in Medical School (3 hours): “Sexual Violence and Harassment. Definitions, Measure, Context and Consequences”, Second year of Medical School “Educating on Sexual Health”, University of Strasbourg, France, coordinated by Nils Kessel (Unistra, SAGE).

Organisational committee member for the International Conference “Research Ethics on Sensitive Topics: Epistemological and Practical Issues”, Condorcet Campus, Aubervilliers, France, the 2nd and 3rd December 2021.

Organisational committee member for the Seminar “Facing Sexual Violence. Resistance of Interviewers, Tools of Researchers”, Condorcet Campus, Aubervilliers, France, the 11th and 12th March 2021 (online).

Organisational committee member for the Conference “Family, Power and Inequalities”, Ined, Research Unit “Gender, Sexuality and Inequalities”, Condorcet Campus, Aubervilliers, France, the 30th November 2020 (online).

Organisational committee member for the “PhD Students Seminar”, Ined, Condorcet Campus, Aubervilliers, France, the 24th and 25th June 2020 (online).

Directed thematic works or issues

Les violences sexuelles subies par les hommes en France

Parcours de violences et rapports d’âge

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